
Monday, June 15, 2015

Tips for a Happy, Healthy Life

Life is a beautiful thing. Sometimes, who am I kidding--most of the time, we get caught up in the day to day that we forget to sit back and really enjoy it. This summer I think we should all vow to be more present in the moment, and enjoy life. Here are some tips and tricks for living a happy, healthy life.

Tip #1 Get Organized

Organization is an important key to a happy life. If everything has a place, then you always know where it is, and where it should go. This way, at the end of the day you can do a quick sweep through the house and place everything where it belongs. This simple step can reduce your cleaning time, leaving you more time to spend with family and friends, especially on the weekend. Organization doesn't just come in the form of "everything having it's place," it also includes planning. I am a big planner. I love knowing what I am doing, when I am doing it. I love making lists as well. When planning you can use a planner, or simply just write things down that you want to get done. I love making a weekly cleaning schedule. Each day I write out what I am going to do. This keeps me from having to take all day Saturday or Sunday to clean the entire house. I break the work down into 20-30 minute tasks. Here is what I use for my weekly cleaning list;
You could also do this with children's events, study sessions/assignments, projects, working out, etc. The possibilities are endless.

Tip #2 Drink Lots of Water

I know this is a tip you hear everywhere, but it really is that important.
Your body/organs needs water to function. Water is good for your skin, its flushes the toxins out of your body, and helps improve your mood. Water is very beneficial for you mind and body. If you find it hard to get enough water in a day, invest in a cute water bottle or cup and fill it full several times a day. Water makes you feel better, thus you will have more energy to spend time doing things you love.           
Tip #3 Workout

Once again, I know you hear this everywhere but working out is extremely beneficial to your health. Not only does it burn calories but it releases endorphins that boost your mood. Working out does not have to be a grueling, can't move the next day experience. Working out can be fun. Seriously. Grab you child and head to the playground (but don't just sit, actually play). Walk your dog. Shoot some hoops with your friends. All of these things are exercise, and you are likely not to even notice it because you will be having so much fun. If you just can't seem to get in the mood to exercise, buy some cute workout gear, this may motivate you to get out and exercise, and give you the opportunity to show off your new gear.
Tip #4 Write down your thoughts

Being in tune with our bodies and mind is important. Take a few minutes a day to unwind and write down your thoughts. This is a perfect way to vent about things going on in your life. You can do this by journaling, or just making a list at the end of the day of things that happened. Journaling helps you get your ideas/thoughts down on paper. This can be a very therapeutic experience and help release some of the stress that we compile throughout the day. Nobody has to see this journal, so just write what you feel. Grab some paper and a pen, and get to writing.

Tip #5 Spend time everyday doing something you love

Everyday day spend at least 5 minutes doing something you love. Whether it is reading, watching TV, drawing, taking a walk, photography, etc. We spend so much time working and going to school that sometimes we forget to spend sometime on ourselves and the things that make us happy. Take as much or as little time as you need, but do at least 5 minutes a day. When we take care of ourselves, and try to enjoy life, the happiness will come.

Doing all of these things will not guarantee you a happy, healthy life, but these five simple tips will help reduce the stress in your life and boost your mood. Thus, you will have more time and energy to enjoy your life and the people in it.

One Last Tip: Smile!

All of the items in this post are from the Seasonal Shoppe. Call or email us for prices.

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